QCQ- Lessig #6

Name Kyra Zach

CMM 240 A – Spring ‘22

Date Due 3/1/22

QCQ is short for “Quotation-Comment-Question.” It begins with a Quotation of 1-3 sentences. It then has a Comment. And it then asks a Question that encourages engagement from others. A good QCQ gives you something to bring to the table and offers something worth discussing in class. Earn full credit (1000 points) for a QCQ that touches all 3 bases – and is in on time.

QCQ for Remix: How Creativity is Being Strangled by the Law

Quotation (with page number or parag number or time stamp if video/audio)

“Youtube has become a platform where people talk to each other. It’s the modern equivalent of what Sousa spoke when he spoke of “the young people together, singing the songs of the day or the old songs.” But rather than gathering on the front lawn, they now do it with digital technologies, sharing creativity with others around the world.” (page 159)  

Comment (250-500 words)

I feel like this quote represents youtube in a particular but accurate way. I really enjoyed this reading; I felt like I connected with the author. As technology grows, it opens more doors to innovative systems; the internet is an incredibly powerful thing that people love. With the click of a button, anything they want to know is right there. With the internet comes platforms like Facebook and youtube. Youtube is a rapidly growing industry; in the beginning, it was just a place to share creative videos, but now it’s become this whole community, and people make a living off of it. Social media influencers are an expanding field that more and more people are getting into. I have always been fond of youtube specificity and enjoy watching my favorite creators. It can be very addictive just to keep clicking to the next video, and I have been a victim of youtube taking my time, hours on end. Even though youtube can suck you in, it really is an amazing platform for people to share their personal interests with the entire world. The one thing I love about youtube is how relatable the content is; it’s why I always keep watching. Finding creators you can connect with is the reason why people watch so much. Sharing interests with others has been a concept for years, but it was hard to get past your neighborhood without technology. Digital technologies, like youtube, allow ideas to be spread very fast, and little digital communities pop up everywhere. Common interests are a powerful thing.


Other video sharing platforms have emerged from youtube like tiktok and I was wondering if youtube ceo’s are concerned about titok taking away business or want to work together with tiktok to boost both their views?