QCQ- Bayum #5

Name Kyra Zach

CMM 240 A – Spring ‘22

Date Due 2/22/22

QCQ is short for “Quotation-Comment-Question.” It begins with a Quotation of 1-3 sentences. It then has a Comment. And it then asks a Question that encourages engagement from others. A good QCQ gives you something to bring to the table and offers something worth discussing in class. Earn full credit (1000 points) for a QCQ that touches all 3 bases – and is in on time.

QCQ for _(name the reading)_Baym- Making new media make sense

Quotation (with page number or parag number or time stamp if video/audio)

”In other words, the communications about the technologies becomes more important than the technologies in shaping the uses and effects of new media (page 49)”.

Comment (250-500 words)

This article overall was a really interesting read. I liked Baym’s points of interest and agreed with most of them, including the idea my chosen quote was centered about. Over time as technology has grown and grown, the focus has shifted from the capabilities of technology to more talking about just what technology is doing to the population. Technology has been the top hot recently because of how innovative it is and, even more importantly, how impactive it is on daily life, in a negative way. As I have talked about before, technology is a powerful tool and, when handled the right way, can be very beneficial, but when handled the wrong way, it can negatively impact one’s mood and self-love. When you start letting toxic, hurtful posts/tweets/stories get to your head, it never feels good, and after you read everything, you feel sad inside. I know how hard it is to avoid them and how easy it is to get sucked in, but I ask you to try and avoid any comments trying to ruin your day; not worth your amazing time. This negative side to technology is being talked about way more than the latest software update, honestly, as it should. Attention needs to be brought to it, and action is necessary to improve technology, so it doesn’t negatively impact the minds of all ages.


Why, since so many people agree with the negative effects of technology, hasn’t anything been changed to improve technology so negative actions can’t be as predominant?