QCQ- Burnstein #2

QCQ for (name the reading)-  16 Rules of Blog Writing and Layout [Which Ones Are You Breaking?]

Quotation (with page number or parag number or time stamp if video/audio)

“Keep a blog post column with a width of about 80 characters or fewer (including spaces) and your readers will thank you for it. Wide columns of text are an instant turn off and very hard to read. The difference is incredible, and it’s such a simple change.”

Comment (250-500 words)

All three of the readings were really informative and interesting. I chose a quote from the second article because I felt that I connected with that article the most. It was easy to understand and very detailed. I never knew column width would have such a significant impact on the success of my blog. The author even gave a number of characters to work off of, so that’s super helpful for first time bloggers like me. Eighty characters sound like a lot, but I know it will come super quickly when I write. From being an advent reader myself, I know the way the text is laid out can help or hinder me from enjoying the story. I didn’t think something as simple as changing the column size of your post would have such positive impacts. Now that I’m thinking about it, most stories I lean towards have small column sizes, spaced out paragraphs, and larger text to make reading more manageable, which makes perfect sense. Even if the content seems really interesting, if the layout of the text isn’t friendly to the eyes, I would probably skip it. It’s the little things that can have a tremendous impact on blogs, making them widely successful, and I will most definitely be taking these tips with me as I write my own blog.


I’m very curious about the statistics. When little format changes are made, what’s the amount of people who read the story and are dedicated to the blog? Is there an increase?