DS 106- Midpoint Story

Looking back at my daily creates a lot of them are very personal to a point where I just found pictures from my camera roll and tweeted about them because they fit the assignment. I tend to have a lot of fun doing these, asking people’s opinions and writing funny little blurbs about it. At first I could not figure out for the life of me how embed the tweet and post it here, but with the help of my classmates I figured it out and now its easy peasy. A couple daily creates I did find confusing and those were definitely my less impressive ones because I just didn’t understand what they were asking and tried my best. Overall though I feel like my daily creates show a small part of me to the world and I like sharing my personality with everyone on a small scale, just a simple tweet.

Upon looking back at my DS106 assignments I definitely had some good ones that I loved making and I definitely struggled on a lot too. I’m not the most tech-savvy person so some of this meme-making and gifs were very new to me so I had a tough try trying to follow the directions and execute the task. The ones I did excel on, my interests and personality came through. I’m getting more comfortable sharing my life in the class and the fails too.